
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tortang Talong (Eggplant Omelette)

An omelette or omelet is a dish made by beating eggs and folding them with fillings which could be onions, veggies, fish, minced meat or cheese.  Some would even add more egg whites or milk to make the dish fluffier.  There are a lot of variations that you can choose from.  Each country has its own version of omelette but the one that my husband and I really enjoy eating is Tortang Talong or eggplant omelette which is quite so famous in the Philippines.  My husband, an Australian with a Filipino heart and probably a Filipino in his past life loves this particular type of omelette than those that he grew up with.  So each time we have eggplants in the house, he would always request for tortang talong.

I used to do the tortang talong by just by slicing the eggplant a bit  and spreading them without removing the stalks.  I will then beat eggs with salt and pepper and soak the eggplant on them and then fry them but I have learned form my sister that it is better to just remove the stalks and shred the egglant in medium pieces and soak them in the egg mixture and fry.  I find it more tasty and juicy. 

5 eggplants (lebanese)
4 large eggs
salt and pepper to taste

Oven - grill the eggplants.  Let cool. 
Remove the stalks and the skin off the eggplants carefully.
Shred the eggplant meat into medium pieces.  Set Aside.
Beat the eggs and add salt and pepper.  I prefer mine a bit spicier so I add more pepper.
Pour the egg mixture onto the bowl of eggplant.  Mix with a fork.
Set aside for a couple of minutes before frying.
Use a 1/3 c in scooping the eggplant-egg mixture into the non stick pan.
Fry until golden brown.
Serve with ketchup or fish sauce-vinegar dip.

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